Saturday, March 14, 2020

The Customer Avatar - Knowing your customer and working for him

Customer avatar is the profile of your customer. The profile which you will have in mind when you write your posts and communication (email, instagram, facebook, blogs, the works). 

Generally a customer avatar is made by asking questions to your audience by way of a survey where you try to understand his age, gender, preferences, financial status, etc. such that you know which socio-economic profile he belongs to.

For example, for my book "The Key - Discover the Key to Financial Freedom and Wealth Creation" I asked questions on age, gender, monthly income, whether owns a car, uses an android or an iphone, such questions.

Here is what the insights I got from the survey

My ideal customer is-

  1. Less than 45 years old
  2. Is a male
  3. Earns more than Rs 50,000 per month
  4. Owns a car
  5. Uses Android Phone and
  6. Is either working in a full-time job or is a consultant
Having this insight is a great help in designing all my posts with him in mind. I can use the profile to give example, success story, testimonials, look for collaboration opportunities with someone who has a similar customer avatar and so on and so forth.

The benefits are immense.

Looking forward to more such learnings from the Digital Marketing Course I am doing currently.
Will gladly share them with you.

Till then...

Manoj Shrivastava
Best Selling Author of "The Key"